Alert Templates

You can have common or project-specific outbound email templates.

Template Types

If configured to do so, Gemini can fire an email in response to any of the following:

  • When new items are created (When Created)
  • When someone is resourced (When Resourced)
  • When an item is changed (When Updated)
  • When watched items change (Watcher Notification)
  • When something in the scope of an AppNav card changes (AppNav Card Alerts)
  • To automatically acknowledge an email-to-ticket (Acknowledge Email - Breeze only)
  • To reply from Gemini to an email-to-ticket initiator(Email Reply - Breeze only)
  • Generic - not used by the Gemini alerts engine

For each action, there is an Email Template that you can use and customize

Defining Templates

You may change the names when creating or editing templates to make them more meaningful, particularly if you have project-specific Templates.

  • Name: meaningful descriptor for the template
  • Alert Type: type of email template
  • Subject: the email subject line
  • Associated Project(s): leave blank for all projects, or select projects your template will be used on
  • Content: the HTML of the template

Pay special attention to the associated projects for the template. Leave this field blank to use the template across all projects.

Template HTML Editor

You may edit any existing Template. When you add a new Template, the appropriate default HTML based on the event type is pre-filled for you.

Injecting Data

Note the use in the image above of @(Model.TheItem.Type) for injecting item data into the email template. You can inject any of the below item fields - including custom fields.

The syntax for including the fields is @(Model.TheItem.FieldName) where the FieldName represents one of the below fields.

If a field might contain special characters (a description/name for example), or HTML (a link for example), use @Html.Raw(Model.TheItem. to have it represented raw

Available Fields

The following table lists fields available from @(Model.TheItem) object.

Field Description
AffectedVersionNumbers Any associated affected versions (comma separated)
Age Number of days since item created
ClosedDate The date and time this item was closed
ComponentNames Components associated with item (comma separated)
Comments[n].Entity.Comment Collection of all comments where "n" represents index of comment
Created The date and time when the item was created
CustomFields["your custom field name"].Entity.Data Text data of the custom field
CustomFields["your custom field name"].Entity.NumericData Numeric data of the custom field
CustomFields["your custom field name"].Entity.DateData Date data of the custom field
CustomFields["your custom field name"].FormattedData Lookup text data of the custom field (for SQL table driven custom fields)
Description The full description of the item
DueDate When work should complete for the item
Elapsed Number of minutes since item opened till closure
EstimatedEffort The number of hours and minutes to complete item (0h 0m format)
ExcessTime The number of hours and minutes exceeding original estimate (0h 0m format)
FixedInVersion Any associated version
Id The id of the item (e.g. 23456)
IssueKey The key of the item (e.g. GEM-23456)
LastComment Latest comment for the item
LoggedHours Total number of hours logged against this item
LoggedMinutes Total number of minutes logged against this item
OriginatorData Any associated source data for item (e.g. email address)
PercentComplete How much work has been completed (e.g. 25%)
Points Allocated points for item
Priority The current priority of the item (e.g. High)
ProjectCode The project code that the item belongs to (e.g. ACME)
ProjectName The project name that the item belongs to (e.g. My Project)
RemainingTime The number of hours and minutes to remaining for item (0h 0m format)
Reporter The fullname of the user who reported the item (e.g. Joe Bloggs)
Resolution The current resolution of the item (e.g. Complete)
ResolvedDate The date and time this item was marked as resolved
ResourceNames The resources assigned to the item (comma separated)
Revised The date and time when the item was last revised
Reviser The name of the user who last revised the item
Severity The current severity of the item (e.g. Showstopper)
IsInSLA Check if the item part of SLA
SLATimeLeftFull The SLA time left in days hours minutes format (1d 2h 3m)
SLATimeLeftMinutes How many minutes left for SLA
SLATimePassedMinutes How many minutes have passed for SLA
StartDate When work should commence on the item
Status The current status of the item (e.g. Unassigned)
TimeLogged The number of hours and minutes to logged against item (0h 0m format)
Title The title of the item (e.g. Fix Cross-browser issues)
Type The type of the item (e.g. Bug)
Visibility The visibility of the item (e.g. Everyone)
Votes The number of votes for this item

The following table lists all fields available from @(Model) object (that's the associated workspace).

Field Description
CardKey The key of the card - usually the project code
CardDescription The user-specified title of the card
CardComment Optional comment associated with the card
CardUrl The URL to the page that the card points to
ChangeCount The number of changes that took place for items within the card's sceop

The following table lists fields available from @(Model) object associated with the "Email Reply (Breeze)" alert template).

Field Description
Model.Sender.Fullname The fullname of the user sending the email reply from Gemini
Model.Sender.Entity.Language The language code e.g. En-US of the user sending the email reply from Gemini
Model.Sender.Entity.Email The email address of the user sending the email reply from Gemini
Model.Sender.Entity.Firstname The firstname of the user sending the email reply from Gemini
Model.Sender.Entity.Surname The surname of the user sending the email reply from Gemini
Model.TheRecipient.Fullname The fullname of the email recipient
Model.TheRecipient.Entity.Language The language code e.g. En-US of the email recipient
Model.TheRecipient.Entity.Email The email address of the email recipient
Model.TheRecipient.Entity.Firstname The firstname of the email recipient
Model.TheRecipient.Entity.Surname The surname of the email recipient

For standard messages e.g. Confirmation to Customer That Ticket Has Been logged, you might interrogate the language code of the recipient and based on the result change the message text

For example


Dear @Model.TheRecipient.Fullname,

Dutch language message

} else {

Dear @Model.TheRecipient.Fullname,

Default language message


The following table lists fields available from @(Model) object associated with the "Acknowledge Email (Breeze)" alert template only.

Field Description
Model.NewUserAdded Check if the user has just been created by the process of emailing a Gemini mailbox that is set to create new users. The property is a boolean (true/false)
Model.NewUserName The username of the new user
Model.NewUserPassword The password of the new user

You will find base HTML files for the default Email Templates in the App Data\Notifications folder.