Managing Taxonomy

The application base taxonomy may not be suitable for your organization and even if it is suitable for some of your users it is unlikely that a wide-scale deployment across departments, teams and processes will use the same taxonomy throughout.

For example, help desk users may want 'items' to be called 'Tickets' while a software development team using the Agile methodology would want to call 'items' 'Stories' and marketers might want to call 'items' 'Campaigns'. The Project Template structure separates the resource files so that each team's terminology and nomenclature around process flows is respected

Managing taxonomy for Version 6.8.1 and upwards

From version 6.8.1 managing taxonomy and language translations has been moved to the Gemini Admin UI.

To manage taxonomy from 6.8.1. onwards, go to Customize > Templates > Taxonomy

Note If you operate in a load-balanced environment and you change Taxonomy you must remember to copy the modified Project Template resource files in App_Data\Templates across to the other web server(s), and then recycle the App Pool(s).

Managing taxonomy for pre 6.8.1. versions of Gemini

The App_Data\templates folder contains one folder per Template deployed. In the folder for each template is a resource.xml file that can be edited to override any default terminology.

Watch How To Do It: Taxonomy

The following video will provide an overview of the creation, configuration, and workflow of taxonomy within Gemini.