Setting up Canned Responses

You can create standard responses to common queries so that when such queries arrive you can respond in a quick and consistent manner.

Create as many 'canned' replies as you need, and even create them on the fly. You can choose to use these responses for email replies only, as manual comments only, or for both purposes.

When you create a standard response for use as a manual comment, you can also determine if it may be used in either the description or the comment field, or in both.

For comments, you can restrict the availability of these standard responses to certain User Groups, meaning customers can see one set of comments and the internal team another set.

You can also create project-specific standard responses; particularly useful if you separate your customers into different projects as opposed to keeping them in a single project, separated by User Group and Permissions, or by Organizations.

NoteIf you are creating Canned Comments in the Ticketing section, you will not see the "Associated Areas" or User Group selections in the image above as the associated area is pre-defined as exclusively 'Breeze' (email reply).

To create a canned comment that can be used as a manual comment or description, edit a description in the View Item screen, or add a Comment (you can simply right-click any item on the Grid), and select the Canned Comment drop-down

The Rich Text Editor that pops up has the Canned Comment control. If there are existing responses linked to the area of the application and project(s) you are in, they will be available for selection. There will always be the option to add a new standard response on the fly.

The following table shows the valid properties of the canned response model:

Field Description
ToFirstname The first name of the user we are responding to
ToSurname The surname of the user we are responding to
ToEmail The email of the user we are responding to
User.Entity.Firstname The first name of the user who is posting the reply
User.Entity.Surname The first name of the user who is posting the reply
User.Entity.Fullname The full name of the user who is posting the reply
VersionStartDate The start date of the version that is associated with the item
VersionReleaseDate The release date of the version that is associated with the item
TheItem.AffectedVersionNumbers Any associated affected versions (comma separated)
TheItem.Age Number of days since item created
TheItem.ClosedDate The date and time this item was closed
TheItem.ComponentNames Components associated with item (comma separated)
TheItem.Comments[n].Entity.Comment Collection of all comments where "n" represents index of comment
TheItem.Created The date and time when the item was created
TheItem.CustomFields["your custom field name"].Entity.Data
TheItem.Description The full description of the item
TheItem.DueDate When work should complete for the item
TheItem.Elapsed Number of minutes since item opened till closure
TheItem.EstimatedEffort The number of hours and minutes to complete item (0h 0m format)
TheItem.ExcessTime The number of hours and minutes exceeding original estimate (0h 0m format)
TheItem.FixedInVersion Any associated version
TheItem.Id The id of the item (e.g. 23456)
TheItem.IssueKey The key of the item (e.g. GEM-23456)
TheItem.LastComment Latest comment for the item
TheItem.LoggedHours Total number of hours logged against this item
TheItem.LoggedMinutes Total number of minutes logged against this item
TheItem.OriginatorData Any associated source data for item (e.g. email address)
TheItem.PercentComplete How much work has been completed (e.g. 25%)
TheItem.Points Allocated points for item
TheItem.Priority The current priority of the item (e.g. High)
TheItem.ProjectCode The project code that the item belongs to (e.g. ACME)
TheItem.ProjectName The project name that the item belongs to (e.g. My Project)
TheItem.RemainingTime The number of hours and minutes to remaining for item (0h 0m format)
TheItem.Reporter The fullname of the user who reported the item (e.g. Joe Bloggs)
TheItem.Resolution The current resolution of the item (e.g. Complete)
TheItem.ResolvedDate The date and time this item was marked as resolved
TheItem.ResourceNames The resources assigned to the item (comma separated)
TheItem.Revised The date and time when the item was last revised
TheItem.Reviser The name of the user who last revised the item
TheItem.Severity The current severity of the item (e.g. Showstopper)
TheItem.IsInSLA Check if the item part of SLA
TheItem.SLATimeLeftFull The SLA time left in days hours minutes format (1d 2h 3m)
TheItem.SLATimeLeftMinutes How many minutes left for SLA
TheItem.SLATimePassedMinutes How many minutes have passed for SLA
TheItem.StartDate When work should commence on the item
TheItem.Status The current status of the item (e.g. Unassigned)
TheItem.TimeLogged The number of hours and minutes to logged against item (0h 0m format)
TheItem.Title The title of the item (e.g. Fix Cross-browser issues)
TheItem.Type The type of the item (e.g. Bug)
TheItem.Visibility The visibility of the item (e.g. Everyone)
TheItem.Votes The number of votes for this item

The Email Reply editor allows you to select from a list of canned responses that are specific to Breeze, and, if you have made your responses project-specific, to the project the ticket belongs to.

NoteIf you do not see the Email Reply section in the View Item page, please ensure your Screens are configured correctly to allow Email Reply.

NoteIn order to create a new standard response on the fly, users must have the "Can Set Project Default Values" role in the permission set for the project the ticket/item is in.