API Authentication Methods
All API calls require valid Gemini user credentials.
Username/API KEY
Authenticate by providing username and the user's API key (found under User Profile).
You need to Base64 encode username and the API KEY as one string.
This information should be placed in Authorization
header of the request.
Example when username
is "manager" and API KEY
is "xvitjc5bmm".
Basic bWFuYWdlcjp4dml0amM1Ym1t
JavaScript Example
var geminiUrl = "http://localhost/gemini/api/type/55"; var geminiUsername = Base64.encode("manager:xvitjc5bmm"); // user:apikey $.ajax({ url: geminiUrl, type: "GET", headers: { "Authorization": "Basic " + geminiUsername }, success: function (data) { alert('Success!'); } });
Authenticate by providing username and the user's password.
You need to MD5 encode the password and then pre-pend the username with a colon. The resultant string is then Base64 encoded.
This information should be placed in Authorization
header of the request.
JavaScript Example
var geminiUrl = "http://localhost/gemini/api/type/55"; var geminiUsername = Base64("user:"+ Base64(md5("password"))); // user:password $.ajax({ url: geminiUrl, type: "GET", headers: { "Authorization": "Basic " + geminiUsername }, success: function (data) { alert('Success!'); } });