Item Endpoint
This method returns an Item.
The URL must have the item Id. It returns an IssueDto.
Microsoft.NET example:
IssueDto item = serviceManager.Item.Get(22);
JavaScript example:
var geminiUrl = "http://localhost/gemini/api/items/22"; var geminiUsername = Base64.encode("manager:xvitjc5bmm"); // user : apikey $.ajax({ url: geminiUrl, type: "GET", headers: { "Authorization": "Basic " + geminiUsername }, success: function (data) { alert('Success!'); } });
This method creates a new Item.
The request body must contain the Issue Entity. The return value is the new IssueDto where the item Id is populated.
Microsoft.NET example:
var item = new Issue(); item.ProjectId = 17; item.Description = "Html comments with style cause some issues"; item.Title = "Fix comments overlay issue"; item.ReportedBy = 1; serviceManager.Item.Create(item);
JavaScript example:
var geminiUrl = "http://localhost/gemini/api/items"; var geminiLogin = Base64.encode("manager:xvitjc5bmm"); // user:apikey var geminiData = { ProjectId: "17", ReportedBy: "1", Title: "Fix comments overlay issue", Description: "Html comments with style cause some issues" }; $.ajax({ url: geminiUrl, type: "POST", data: geminiProject, headers: { "Authorization": "Basic " + geminiLogin }, success: function (data) { alert('Success!'); } });
This method updates an existing Item.
The request body must contain the full Issue entity with all properties populated (issue a GET request first). The return value is the updated IssueDto.
Microsoft.NET example:
IssueDto data = new IssueDto(); data.Entity.Id = 230; data.Entity.ProjectId = 17; data.Entity.Title = "Fix comments overlay issue"; data.Entity.Description = "Html comments with style cause some issues"; data.Entity.ReportedBy = 1; serviceManager.Item.Update(data.Entity);
JavaScript example:
var geminiUrl = "http://localhost/gemini/api/items"; var geminiLogin = Base64.encode("manager:xvitjc5bmm"); // user:apikey var geminiData = { Id: "230", ProjectId: "17", Title: "Fix comments overlay issue with html content", Description: "Html comments with style cause some issues", ReportedBy: "1", . . }; $.ajax({ url: geminiUrl, type: "PUT", data: geminiData, headers: { "Authorization": "Basic " + geminiLogin }, success: function (data) { alert('Success!'); } });
This method deletes an Item.
The URL must contain the Item Id.
Microsoft.NET example:
JavaScript example:
var geminiUrl = "http://localhost/gemini/api/items/230"; var geminiUsername = Base64.encode("manager:xvitjc5bmm"); // user : apikey $.ajax({ url: geminiUrl, type: "DELETE", headers: { "Authorization": "Basic " + geminiUsername }, success: function () { alert('Success!'); } });