
The zip file download contains the Gemini web application and scripts needed for the upgrade.

Note If you are upgrading from Gemini 5 or 6 to Gemini 7 you MUST recompile custom apps against the dlls that ship with Gemini 7. Apps built using libraries from previous versions of Gemini will NOT work with version 7.

Note If you are upgrading from Gemini 5 or 6 to Gemini 7 and have built custom apps, you must remove allow partially trusted callers ([assembly: AllowPartiallyTrustedCallers]) if it is in your AssemblyInfo.cs

Note Gemini 4 is no longer supported. To upgrade from Gemini 4 contact support@countersoft.com

Note We strongly recommend that on-premise customers upgrade a test instance and perform full regression testing before upgrading production. If you are using Breeze Email Ticketing, we recommend archiving all messages in any Gemini mailboxes to another folder before upgrading.

Note Please do not manually execute upgrade SQL scripts - install the new release, browse to the site, and Gemini will execute scripts and logic to upgrade the database for you.

Step 1 - Check Pre-requisites

Please check you have everything ready for the installation process.

Step 2 - Unzip

Note Right click on the file then select Properties and click Unblock.

Open the zip file that was downloaded, and open the folder labeled "2. Web App Manual Install". Unzip the Gemini zip file within the folder, and you should see the contents as follows:

Note Stop the application pool for your Gemini site in IIS Manager.

Step 3 - Copy Web Application

Note We recommend you stop the application pool in IIS that Gemini is running under or stop IIS itself before you copy any files to make sure they are not locked.

Note Take a backup copy of your current Gemini website. If you have any customizations - Templates, Images, or Reports, you will need this later.

Unzip the contents of the Web App Manual Install folder over your current web application folder:

If you customized Templates Copy your templates from the backup over the templates folder. They are in the app_data\templates folder.

If you customized Reports Copy your reports from the backup over the reports folder. They are in the app_data\reports folder.

If you customized Images Copy your images from the backup over the templates folder. They are in the assets\images\meta folder.

Step 4 - Edit Web.config

Edit the new web.config file and put in the correct SQL Server user credentials for your Gemini database. Do not take web.config from the backup as it may have other changes.

Remember to set your authentication settings:

Save the web.config and navigate to the Gemini web application using your browser (e.g. http://myserver/gemini").

Step 5 - Set Folder Permissions

For complete administrative control, Gemini requires write access to the following THREE FOLDERS that are located where you installed Gemini:

  • Right click App_Code folder, select Security tab, allocate Modify/Full Control permissions to the EVERYONE group
  • Right click App_Data folder, select Security tab, allocate Modify/Full Control permissions to the EVERYONE group
  • Right click Assets folder, select Security tab, allocate Modify/Full Control permissions to the EVERYONE group

Step 6 - Using SQL Upgrade Scripts

Note If you are upgrading to Gemini 7.5, and you MANUALLY execute upgrade SQL scripts you will need to edit the upgrade SQL script - Upgrade_v7-5-0.sql - and change "" to the name of your schema (typically dbo). You should not need to manually execute upgrade SQL scripts as the upgrade process will attempt to execute them for you.

Note If you are upgrading Gemini 6 to Gemini 7, DO NOT manually execute upgrade SQL scripts - install the new release, browse to the site, and Gemini will auto upgrade for you. If the SQL user does not have the appropriate user permissions to upgrade Gemini automatically, you will need to grant the appropriate permissions.

If you are upgrading Gemini 5 and the SQL user does not have the appropriate user permissions to upgrade Gemini automatically, you must execute the scripts manually. To do so:

  • Locate your Gemini installation folder.
  • Open the folder named "SQL".
  • Open and run all SQL scripts, that correlate to your current Gemini version, against your existing database.

For Example If your current Gemini version is 5.1.2, you will need to run the following upgrade scripts: 5.1.3, 5.1.5, 5.1.6, etc. After running the SQL scripts, start the application pool for Gemini site in IIS Manager.